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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Blog post 8- Privacy Online

 This week’s blog post was all about the invasion of privacy online. The Internet is a very scary place that we rely on every minute of every day.

A video that stood out to me was the Juan Enriquez Ted Talk, “ Your Online Life is A Permanent Tattoo”. The Ted Talk was an “aha moment” for me personally. For many getting a tattoo is a big deal as it is on our body forever unless we pay the “big bucks” to get them painfully removed. While very different, posting something online is permanent and will always be on the world wide web once posted. Even though you can “ delete” a post off social media or online the traces will be there forever and views can screenshot or still see posts so therefore it really is not gone forever. It is important for everyone to understand that and make sure they are actually proud and think about what they post online fits their personal brand or viewpoints

We live in a very scary world so it is also important to know and realize that  our privacy is not really protected online. Once we put in our email’s or information online databases know all about us which is terrifying. It makes me scared for older generations as they are more gullible than my generation ( Gen-Z). We just have to make sure we are extra careful online and use fake emails, or names to not be a victim of anything from the internet! Be cautious it's scary out here! 

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