About Me

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Wow! The EOTO projects were very impressive and I learned some really cool and new information. The project that really stood out to me was learning all about e-mail. 

For as long as I can remember I have always had an email address  to communicate with family who live overseas in the United Kingdom,  Australia, and New Zealand. Email though is an amazing way for companies to send newsletters about upcoming "drops' ' that are happening within the company. Personally, I use email to buy clothing at boutiques or clothing stores. I have a subscription to send me pictures of new clothes, I click the link and then boom I can purchase the clothing item in one click. 

I also use email to get news updates. Getting email news updates is very helpful as I am a busy college student who does not have time to sit down and watch a 30 minute newscast every night. 

Email is an amazing way to communicate with others about almost anything and I can not imagine my life without it.

An example of clothing stores or companies sending me deals over email.

              News update from New York Times via email.

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