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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Anti War News

  Using the First Amendment to share Anti War news and opinions 

For this blog post assignment I was asked to look at two online news sources Antiwar.com and The American Conservative. As an avid news follower I was excited to take a deep dive on these websites as I have never heard of them before. 

Unfortunately we live in a world where it is not always rainbows and butterflies and we all agree, in fact right now more than ever we are a very divided country and all have very different political opinions and views. With that being the case many people are divided on the topic of war. Looking at these two websites that are very clearly against war was very interesting as the big news sources ( NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, CBS) just cover the facts and tell the stories with non bias so it was refreshing to see a news source that unapologetically expresses their opinion even if some may find it controversial or against their views. At the end of the day there is always going to be war and disagreements in this world so it is good that writers and/or authors are not afraid to use their voices and the First Amendment to share how they feel about war.  

Antiwar.com and The American Conservative are both easy to follow websites and do a great job of expressing their views on war. I would recommend both these websites to people who believe in antiwar activity. 


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